Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 26: The More I Learn... The Less I Know.

Dot .Net Dilemmas
A few things that I have learnt since I started this project and of which I am sure will come as no surprise to anyone are;
  1. It really is very difficult to have a fairly stressful full-time job and start a one man project/business (hence the reason that it has taken me so long to update this blog).
  2. Don’t believe all those books and websites that tell you that getting a product to market on the web is simple…. It’s simply not. In fact, this leads me to one other thing that I have found out and that is….
I now have a pile of books almost as tall as I am that I either need to, or would like to read but being totally honest, I could spend the next 2 years reading books and still not feel like I am ready to start. That is why I have now got to change the habit of a lifetime and stop procrastinating. I need to actually start producing something and just get it done, get it out there and get some early feedback from the people who may actually want to use it.

In fairness, all the reading and “thinking” has not gone to waste. I do feel that I have the right idea for a product and have identified my potential market. I also think that I have managed to come up with the right pricing structure to get potential clients interested. It’s going to be free. Yes FREE! However, I will explain how I am going to do that at a later date…

Another decision that I have made is, whether this micros-ISV is a success or not, the very least, I want come away from all is having learnt a lot of lessons that I can use in future projects (or if it comes to it, in my next employment.) In my opinion, ‘learning’ is never a waste to time. But just in case I am wrong and learning is in fact a waste of time, I have decided to pick technologies that I have an interested in. So, my application will be developed using the following technologies;
That should keep me pretty busy for a while. You may notice that I haven’t mentioned which database I will use. I plan to make this decision much further down the line when I need to. I am hoping that by implementing NHibernate, not only will it relieve me of the task of writing the mundane CRUD code; I will also me to switch between databases via the application config file but as yet, this is something that I need to look into..

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